慶佳節-2025 新年糕點 Chinese New Year Pudding

椰汁年糕 Traditional Chinese New Year Cake-$22.8/盒ea.

臘味蘿蔔糕 Radish Cake with Preserved Meat-$24.8/盒ea.

精美禮盒包裝。凡購買5盒或以上可獲九折優惠。另備芋頭及馬蹄糕限量供應。網上預訂保證有貨。1月18日起供應。歡迎網上或電話提前預訂。預訂電話 604-249-0080。

Our Chinese New Year pudding and pies come in a red gift box-the perfect to gift to friends and family to celebrate the year of the snake. Purchases of 5 boxes or more are eligible for a 10% off discount. Taro pies and water chestnut puddings are also available for order in limited quantities. All puddings will be available starting January 19. We encourage you to order in advance online or by calling 604-249-0080.

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